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conn guitars Unofficial web site©

My Current and Formerly-owned
Conn Guitars
As the founder and manager/maintainer of the Conn Guitars web site, it would only stand to reason that I would own a few Conn guitars, right? Below are ones that I either currently own or have owned. (I also own some other brands, but I won't discuss that here).
This page last updated 3/16/2024

01 My First Conn F-15 Wix 22x12.2

Conn F-15 Dreadnought
My first Conn guitar. Purchased from ShopGoodwill, Nashville TN in the Summer of 2008. Sold on consignment in 2012 at a used guitar store.

River Boathouse
Describe your image.

01 My First Conn F-15 Wix 22x12.2

My 11th Conn Guitar, Model F-28 (1974) (no photo)
My 12th Conn Guitar Model F-15 (1978) (no photo)
My 13th
Conn Guitar, Model F-65

My 14th
Conn Guitar, Model F-200
Update 1/16/2022:
I also owned a (not shown) Conn 1978 Model F-15, a Model F-28, and currently own a Model F-65 and F-200. The 1978 F-15, the 1976 F-27CH (shown), the F-28, & F-65 were given to me by a gentleman named Phil Holzbauer who lived in Maryland. Phil had an impressive collection of 40-50 various brands--several of them Conn. He was in poor health and wanted to give these a home where they would be appreciated and cared for.
UPDATE 01/31/2025:
Phil passed away in the summer of 2024. I have been passing the blessing on to others. I gave the F-15 and F-28 to other folks.
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